On-Campus Meditation and Reflection Spaces at the University of Pittsburgh

Interested in meditating around campus? There are several places to meet  your schedule…

The Center for Mindfulness and Consciousness Studies offers unguided, silent meditation space at 3520 5th Avenue, 2nd Floor in the Stoner Conference Room, Mondays and Fridays, 12pm—1pm (excluding university holidays).

Yoga U PGH offers semi-guided meditation, 3608 Forbes Ave. Walk-ins welcome Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15—12:45. Door locks once session begins at 12:15. Go here for scheduling.

The William Pitt Union Reflection Room, 3959 Fifth Ave, 3rd Floor, is open for silent reflection, meditation, and prayer during all WPU Building Hours.  An ablution station is also available near the restrooms.

Pitt Stress Free Zone offers walk-in services and regularly  scheduled classes at 3959 Fifth Ave, 3rd Floor. All services are for Pitt students only. For the Stress Free Zone schedule, check out the September 2019 calendar.

Center for Integrated Medicine offers evening meditations at 580 S. Aiken Avenue, Suite 310. Sessions are scheduled on a monthly basis. Email greco@pitt.edu to RSVP or request more information.

All spaces are free and welcome everyone unless otherwise noted.